Attuning to Plants; Activating the Wisdom of the Body; A Multi-dimensional Approach to Healing

Attuning to Plants; Activating the Wisdom of the Body; A Multi-dimensional Approach to Healing


Dates: June 8-9, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday)
Time: Saturday, 10:00 am; Sunday, 10:00 - 4:30 pm
Instructor: Caroline Gagnon, Co-director of FloraMedicina School of Herbal Studies in Montreal, Canada
Location: 168 Lincoln Rd., Lincoln, MA

This education goes beyond theory. Each participant will experience firsthand how herbs shift their inner energetics. This divine intelligence is what helps us to become “whole and holy.” This is what Caroline refers to as being present. She will teach you how to be present so the deeper work can begin, and you can take your herbal work to the next level!

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This weekend class will transform the way you learn about herbs. We will expand the scope of use of Bacopa, Gotu kola, Plantain, Self-heal, Astragalus, Hawthorn and many other herbal superstars. As you deepen your understanding of their potential through your own body, I will share my discoveries and experiance using them in my practice of 27 years.
Caroline Gagnon has been an herbal practitioner and teacher for the past 25 years, both in Canada and internationally. A truly gifted and heart-centered communicator, Caroline’s enthusiasm for all aspects of humans and their health combined with an insatiable scientific curiosity and a deep connection to the plant world make her an outstanding teacher.